Sunday, March 17, 2013

My friend Rabbit

Rohmann, E. (2002). My friend Rabbit. New York : Scholastic Inc. My Friend Rabbit is the 2003 Caldecott award winning book. It is a story of a friendship between a mouse and a rabbit. Rabbit always has bright ideas, but his ideas always cause him to get into trouble. Mouse allows Rabbit to play with his toy airplane and this makes for an adventure, especially with all the other animals. This story contains mostly illustrations and only six pages contained words. At first I thought this story was a wordless book, however the definition states thar a wordless books contain no words or is limited to one or two pages. In some of the illustrations there is lots of blank space and just a picture of Rabbit or Mouse, putting emphasis on the character. The lines in the story give the mood of chaos and movement. Some of the lines show the movement of the airplane, but because they whirl around and go all over the place it shows the chaos of Rabbit as well. There are also dark black lines around the characters, and around the edges of the pages that almost creates a frame around the pages. This story seems to be an animal fantasy, because animals can not really fly airplanes, and play like the animals in this story. This story could be used to compare and contrast real animals vs. make believe animals. It could also be used to spring board a science lesson about diffrent animals. The story also teaches us a lesson that no matter if your friend has a few bad ideas that you can still be friends and help each other; so this story could also be used for teaching friendship.

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