Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Reading Log

Reading Log for 30 books (to paste into your blog in at the end of the term)

  • Instructions: List the titles and authors you read under each Genre, and use checklist below for Wiki posts. Then, highlight this material and paste it into a final blog post. I have already included (in the 30) the ones we read for discussion. Feel free to read more in each genre as you make time. Failure to read and list at least 30 books will results in grade being lowered one letter.


Genre / Titles you read (Hit enter after each one and a new number should pop up)

             I.      Non-fiction/Informational (1 chapter book or photo essay book reflection required on blog)

1)      Let Me Play by Karen Blumenthal

2)      Breeder’s Cup Thoroughbred Racing’s Championship Day by Jay Privman



          II.      Poetry (1 chapter or picture book reflection required on blog)

1)      Hate that Cat by Sharon Creech. (required for discussion – do NOT use on blog)

2)      Black Box Poems by Frank X Walker

3)      Paint Me Like I am by Writerscorps

4)      A night without armor by Jewel

5)      Heart to Heart by Jan Greenberg


       III.      Modern Fantasy (1 chapter book reflection required on blog)          

1)      I, Jack  by Patricia Finney. (required for discussion – do NOT use on blog)

2)      Wait till Helen Comes: A Ghost Story by Mary Downing Hahn

3)      The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo



       IV.      Historical Fiction (1 reflection required on blog –can be a picture book)     

1)      The Teacher’s Funeral by Richard Peck. (required for discussion – do NOT use on blog)

2)      A Sweet Smell of Roses by Angela Johnson

3)      Pinky and Say by Patricia Pollaco

4)      Just in Time, Abraham Lincoln by Patricia Pollaco


          V.      Multicultural/Traditional (2 reflections required on blog – one can be a picture book)         

1)      Hiroshima: A Novella by Laurence Yep (required for discussion – do NOT use on blog)

2)      Forged By Fire by Sharon M. Draper

3)      Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughter’s by John Steptoe

4)      Henry Box Brown: A True Story From the Underground Railroad by Ellen Levine

5)      The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka

6)      Cinder Edna by Ellen Jackson


       VI.      Realistic Fiction (1 chapter book reflection required on blog)

1)      Baby by Patricia MacLachlan. (required for discussion – do NOT use on blog)

2)      Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli

3)      Thank you Mr. Falker by Patricia Pollaco

4)      Mrs. Katz and Tush by Patricia Pollaco


    VII.      Picture Books (5 reflections required on blog during the first two weeks of class. There should be a total here of at least six.)

1)      The Wednesday Surprise by Eve Bunting. (required for discussion – do NOT use on blog)

2)      –A Sick Day for Amos Mcghee by Phillip Stead

3)      –A Letter to Amy by Ezra Jack Keats

4)      Whistle for Willie by Ezra Jack Keats

5)      –My Friend Rabbit by Eric Rohmann

6)      –When Sophie Gets Angry—Really, Really Angry by Molly Bang

7)      Tuesday by David Wiesner


Wiki Checklist

Instructions: Write the number of entries for each category you posted into on the Course Wiki (requirement is four total posts, in four different categories)


__1__ Social Studies (Black Box Poems)

____ Science

____ Math

___1 Music (Forged by Fire)

___1_ Art (Forged by Fire)

____ Reading/Language Arts

____ Physical Education

____ Other



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